
Monday, April 14, 2014

Topic of the Week! Why Are We Not Starting Our Own Businesses?

Its 2014 and we are still struggling! We have to look for jobs and accept them with there low wages. If we do land a so called good paying job, it stresses the
hell out of us.

I know all of the excuses like... i dont have the money, i couldnt get a loan, i dont know what i want to do. Well here is a solution, take that income tax check, put it with another sistah a brothas and make it enough. I know we cant build a big corporation overnight, but we got to start somewhere. I mean come yall, we need to start companies so that we can employ other blacks. I know that its not easy, but black folks spends money just as much as anybody else, lets start selling products and services that we use everyday. So when are you starting yours, let me know because I might want in on it.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014




Im trying  to really figure out who is really raising these new generations of so called men?

That will leave a family to grieve over an sensless act of greed.also to take from another instead of going out there and making the money themselves. This ignorance can no longer be ignored…the mindset of some of these black men is off track…. if you don’t mind doing life behind bars for a pair of sneakers…you was not born are raised to be animals but kings from generation to the next generation.

And yes….i feel its not just the parents problem for raising kids as such. But also the community the school system…the negative thoughts and images that some music also television gives off to make it a must that these young boys must have these things in order to be not judge by societies stand point of what they think makes up a man. Cars,money,women,rims,gold chains. Material things.

“For the love of money”people will rob,kill,and steal from there own….that song never lied its just showing up more upon our black youth.instead of us starting our kings off in being treated like kings at home letting them see how a man surppose to be treated as a king and how he should treat others and its not meant for them to be caged in a jail cell are killing another king over fashion.no more of our royal blood should be waisted in these streets. Nor caged in like some monkey at a zoo for site seeing.

I pour out my soul  to you all….if you see a black young queen are black young  king.. in confusin state of life and material things in it…..take the time out to teach wisdom upon them…


Michelle west

Monday, April 7, 2014

Churches  of the old testament…….


Now  I know most Christians and all other religious  people  grown up with the tradtions of getting up going to  church on Sundays……I also did the same ….but as I got older I have found out most churches are full of  fraud pastors.what I mean by that? Pastors who sell you false blessings  by telling you in order to receive it you have to put that money in that offering plate. We paying there car notes,material clothing,for them to get richer.while  the people who are coming to church to receive help for big time problems…..leaving the same way they felt coming in.


Now I looked up the meaning of “fellowship” which means…..”a friendly relansionship among people.”  ”a relansionship of people who share the same instrest.”

Also “church” ……..a building that is used for Christian religious services.

Ok lets take a look in the scripture of (acts 7:48)-  howbeit the most high dwelleth (not) in temples (made with hands). Are  (acts 17:24)-( god) dwelleth( not )in the temples (made with hands).

Now I know we would had some people that would disagree with me what im about to say….

The church is you…..not some brick buildings with a cross… as long as two people agree and worship together and share the same instrests in Yahweh that’s fellowship….you can give your 10% by giving it out to those who really needs your help…its still a blessing…..am im telling you to stop attending church? Of course not… just wanted to open some people eyes to facts of what they was brainwashed to go by man tradtions……but not actually the bible words….i always say don’t take my word for it…..read the word your truth…..


Sunday, April 6, 2014


Ok call me old school or cave man as ive been called by a particular sistah, but I have always beleived that men should provide and protect the home. I think that women are better home makers and when done right, the relationship would be great this way. Now im not saying that the man should never cook, nor that the woman should work, especially in the African American communties where it might take two incomes. In general i think that men and women were made different, and we do certain things better. Me personally, i dont want to do the cooking, cleaning, and all that good stuff. I rather work three jobs and come home to a hot meal than to clean house. What do you ladies and gents think?
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