
Tuesday, June 25, 2013


The media has been in an uproar with all of the Paula Deen Talk about how she talked to some of her employee's, and used the N word in the past. Well I don't know about all of the specifics, and I really do not care about what she said, but what I do care about is why is it such a shock to some of us? Call me crazy, but you see, I expect such behavior because I do not think people have changed all that much since slavery. I think Black Folks will always be looked down upon by whites, and that's that. I mean dam, look at how many of us are in jail, look at how many of us hold top positions, look at how many of us are unemployed. Now compare us to them in each category and tell me what you get. Racism and discrimination is alive and very well folks.

Now, what are we going to do about it? You see, this type of behavior just motivates me to make it, stop working for other folks, and work for ourselves. We are still looking for acceptance from good old Mr. Charlie, we want him to really like us. I say forget Mr. Charlie, and let's create our own destiny. Let's get together and start our own restaurants, hell we are the best cooks on earth. My beloved Aunt that past away 4 years ago would have cooked circles around Paula Deen, and I tried to get her to actually open up one when I was just a child. She just laughed when I would tell her " Mama ( I called her Mama) you should start your own restaurant", but I was dead serious.

Black people stop punching other peoples clocks, push aside your problems with your brother and/or sister and let's do this. We should not have to go to work and worry about what some white man thinks of us, or worry about some stupid ass black joke that's about to come out of their mouths. When they go home and close there doors, we are niggers to most of them (in my opinion), so it does not even offend me when I hear such things, I just know that's how they feel about us, and this has been proven in history. When you get a little change in your pocket, go buy from a black owned business and put the money in a brother or sisters pocket. I'm still punching their clocks myself, but I am working so hard to get off of it, and it is coming very soon. Don't worry about all of the Nigger Talk, just don't participate in it or answer to it! Peace and Blessings!
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