Wednesday, July 24, 2013
For some reason marriage has become something so hard for Black folks to commit to, and when they commit to it, it often ends up in divorce. Some people get married with the mindset that "if it does not work, Ill just Divorce". WRONG WRONG WRONG, and its just all out foolish to think that way. When you say that you love some one, I mean really really love someone enough to say those vows and marry them, then that's it. When you commit to GOD, there is no breaking that commitment. Now, if you are getting hit upside the head, and someone is just totally dogging you to the point that its dangerous, by all means get out of that situation, but if you guys are disagreeing, arguing, and/or going through some challenges, that should be worked out.
When you take divorce out of the equation, that means that I CANNOT LEAVE, and you both will have to work things out. I mean come one, if two people really love each other, how is it that they cannot work it out.There is one key ingredient that should be in you marriage, and that's GOD. Often times we try our best to make the other person happy, which you cannot take on that responsibility because you will come up short. You cannot make someone happy all of the time, that just will not happen. Now, if you love your wife or husband the way that GOD speaks, you will see a big difference. I am always hearing people say that they are not happy, well do not blame that on the other person, you better find out a way to be happy. People will do things to hurt you, there is no doubt about that, but if you love them like you said when you made that commitment, you will see it through.
Til death do us part! What does that mean to most people when it comes to marriage? Ill tell you what it means to me! It means that when you are pissed and/or heartbroken by your mate, you still should take care of them and do what your are suppose to do for them. I will voice my opinion and try to make things right, and she should be willing to do the same thing. Stop putting so much faith into people, because we are only human and make stupid mistakes. Be willing to forgive them and see what you both can do to make things better, but no matter what, no DIVORCE. Often times you swear you mate is so wrong and maybe they are, but have you ever been wrong? Marriage is a lifetime commitment, not a fly by night, I can't have my way, you have pissed me off so I'm gone type of deal. You made a vow each other, and most importantly GOD. If you don't believe me, go ahead and leaver your mate and see what else is our there. I'm not saying that there are not other good people in the world, but what happens when you commit to them and they do not make you happy? Are you going to bail out yet again? Before you tie that knot, make sure that you are built for that, and can really commit to that person until the death of one of you
black love,
Black People,