
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Un-Married Black Women, Should they step outside of their race?

Alright, I have been on a number of black blogs and news sites, and this seems to be a hot topic. I have been reading and hearing about how hard it is to meet a good brother. They say that it's a shortage of good black men, and also that black women should date outside of there race if they want to better their chances of getting married. This is my take on the situation, I think that it may be challenging to meet good men or women, but in my opinion, there is no shortage. People need to really take a look at what they consider GOOD. A lot of women have met or knows a good black man, but does not want that particular one. Before I was married, I was that good black man to a number of female friends and ex girlfriends, but they rather have had that thug. Some brothers get snatched up by white women, because for some reason, those white women flock to those good brothers that no one wants. White woman have no problem with the brother that wear's suits, and totes a briefcase that may be a little nerdy. He might not have as much FLAVA as the street dudes. Let's talk about it, I want to hear from you ladies!
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