
Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Now I was in a conversation with a young lady the other day about women provoking men, and she stated that the blame could not ever be put on the woman when something disrespectful happens to them, which I agree. However, I think that women should always be careful when doing certain things. A woman has the right to wear what she wants, dance how she wants, and act the way she wants without being disrespected. The point I want to make is that women do get disrespected by us men, especially when doing certain things. Take a look at the picture above, she is doing what ever she feels, but will it be a shock to you if she gets groped when she gets off of that car? I can almost guarantee you that while she is on the car she is being referred too as a bitch or a hoe, and she thinks that it's cute. Now she might not be those things, but she will be called those things because of the way she is acting.

She does not deserved to be raped, or touched, but more than likely she will be touched, and she will think that its cute until somebody takes it to far. The next time these guys see another young lady acting in this manner, they will think that it is ok to do the same exact thing. Now act like this in front of some rapist and see what happens. He would be dead wrong, but the woman will be the one going through the pain, so why give him something to loose control over. It's like going through a crip hood wearing all red, yeah I have the right to wear what I want, but I would not be surprised if I did not make it out of that hood.

A man should never hit a woman right, well I agree with that, but should a women keep putting her hands in a mans face after he says stop? I mean women will try a man to the fullest with the thought that he can't hit me for whatever reason. Now Ladies, most men have a button that you can push that will put him in a "YOU TRYING MY MANHOOD FRAME OF MIND" and you do not want to keep hitting that button. Now let's say that you get smacked for trying him, would you understand why you got smacked? Now as a man, I'm not going to push a woman's buttons with certain things because I know that she will catch a attitude. I mean say something about a woman's kids and see what you get. As a man, I'm not going to provoke a woman to do something that could spark something controversial, so would you as a woman?

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