
Sunday, May 5, 2013

People Can't Make You Happy, Only God Can!

I hear alot of people in relationships and marriages give up because they state that the other person is not making them happy. Well it's not their job to make you happy, you should have been happy before you even met them. You see, we like to blame other people for what is going on with us, which is not fair, and if you do not stop it you might just loose someone special. So let's say you are a happy go lucky before you meet a person, you meet them and they are just wonderful to you. Later on in the relationship, when they won't do everything the way that you like, all of a sudden you are unhappy. Well this sounds a little bit selfish to me being that you would put the burden of your happiness on another human being.

You should not look for another person to make you happy, you should look to GOD almighty, because if you are truly following his words, you will have no other choice but to be happy. What another person does should never make you unhappy as long as you love yourself and GOD. You see we are only mere humans, we make mistakes, do stupid things, and most of the time we don't even follow GOD's mighty words. All of us are guilty, so let's not be so hard on the next person when they do not live up to our expectations. So think about this the next time you look at your significant other and say, "you know what, you don't make me happy anymore, Im gone". God First!

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