
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Why are we Called Niggers... I say its the Nigger Activity!

If you are aware of your history, you know where the word nigger originated from and why! I do not like the word being used to put down my people by white folks no more than the next person of color. Now I am not uptight about the word, due to the fact that me and my friends came up saying "wassup my nigga", and we thought nothing of it! Now it has been a long time since we were slaves, when that word was just thrown around in such an ugly way, even though I know that some white folks (probably a good bit) still use the word. As I look around everyday at my people, can you blame some of them? I mean come on black people, lets keep it all the way real here, I know that we are not just a group of dummys like the media portray's, but we have a lot of bullshit in us that I just can't understand. I mean I don't go out to the club because more than likely I am going to have to dodge a bullet shot from a gun of a black male. If I turn on bet to watch videos, there are going to be dudes bragging about a bunch of negative shit, and some women shaking they asses thinking that they are "the baddest bitches" alive. When I turn on our radio stations, all I here are songs about how much dope was sold, or how many women lil wayne has banged. If I go to the hood I am going to see a bunch of dudes standing outside smoking and drinking, and maybe selling what little weed he has left because he smoked it all.

A Caucasian co-worker of mine asked me the other day, "why do we kill each other so much", and to be honest yall, I could not tell him why. I work at a mental health behavior center, and most of the clients are young black males that have no problem and are trying to get a free check and food stamps so that they can live off of the government. A bunch of grown men playing a role and do not want to work. Now when I look at every other single group of people in America, we are the only ones that are fucked up. The sad part is that other people in the world are looking at this shit, and they are judging us on it. I got to say that I am tired of it, and we can't keep bringing up that slavery shit, we gotta do something about it. Yeah we were held back as a people, but dam we have to do what we have to do to win. Yeah they did us wrong, now what!  We know who we are dealing with, lets get it. We don't have to really act stupid because they said we were, its like now we are proving them right. Yeah we have to fight harder to get to the top, but so what, lets fight harder. Black folks have always made a way for ourselves, but we do not have to do it by degrading ourselves and our women. So I have to be real, I can understand why we get called niggers sometimes, hell I'm sitting here everyday seeing all of this nigger activity. Can you guys see why we might get the N word label.

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