
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Black and Foolish!

Wassup Everybody, this is my first post sense I ended blackconvo.com, but I felt like it was time to let my voice be heard once again. This time around im keeping it very simple by posting my thoughts whenever I feel the need. Im not making any promises to post everyday because it will not happen. Now lets get to it, and oh yeah, Im keeping it very real in these posts. There will be sum cussin up in hea! Im kind of angry right now, so you will get my feelings from the way I am feeling at the moment.

I don't know about you guys, but for some reason I feel like us black folks are going backwards. I mean our kids are going crazy as hell, black folks are not getting married but making babies like its a cool style, grown men are letting there women and parents take care of them, and OMG, these dam rappers are getting tats on their faces and telling our kids that about how they get high all day. Last but not least, black folks are steady spending all of their money with the same people who will not give them a fucking job. Niggaz Please!

So lets start off with the kids going crazy as hell. I know you guys are familiar with all of the shit that is going on in Chicago. Well these young kids are acting like they are in world war three, and they aint fighting over shit. How is it that these kids have the freedom to run the streets acting crazy? Where the hell are the parents? And another thing, why are our kids walking around with their pants hanging below their knees so I can see their nasty ass draws? Now Im only 32 years old, and I am not a square so Im very familiar with our culture. I use to let my pants slide off of my waste a little, but you would never see my dam underwear. Me and my wife went to a festival last night, and every single black male that we seen had their dam pants hanging off. And to top it off, the dam pants was tight as hell. I dont know what was worse, the extreme sagging, or the dam pants being tight as hell. Our boys are walking around looking like some thuggish homosexuals!

Now lets talk about us making all of these dam babies with no wedding including. Why is it so cool for us to make these babies and not have a family to put them in? I know that we all have made our mistakes, don't get me wrong, but how long are we going to keep this up. Our kids have lost their dam minds, and part of it is because many of them don't know shit about their fathers. I mean come on ladies, if I was one of yall, I would not think of carring some lazy negro's kids unless I was married. Come on now, having someone's baby is not a joke. Stop letting these stupid MF's bust one in you, I dont care how sweet he is, or how much you love him. If he loves your ass that much, he would marry you before he plants one in you in the first place. Raise a dam family, not a football team with no coach.

Oh My GOD, these rappers should be lined up and beat half way to death. They are killing our kids with this bull shit about popping molly's, sipping syrup, snorting powder, and smoking weed all day. Some of our kids hang on to every word from these punks, and they take that shit literally. Every song on the radio is about fucking, sucking, snorting, smoking, clubbing, and looking like a dam punk. No offense gay people, just being real.

Now for my last subject, how in the hell can we keep spending money with these racist ass white folks (not all white folks) that won't hire us, but we will walk right on past a black business thats struggling. I have a business thats going in the right direction, but collecting money from black folks is harder than getting Bobby Brown to put down a bottle of Ciroc. I have seen niggaz spend 100 bucks with some white folks before I could get 5 dollars out of them. Then that same nigga will complain about a white man not hiring his stupid ass. Now Im trying to put something together so that I can hire my own people, but how you going to hire these fools when they won't even support ya. So black people I have just given you something to think about, and please don't be mad at me for my tone, but Im tired of being soft with yall, its time to keep it real and give this shit to you straight. Peace and Blessings.
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