Saturday, June 25, 2011
Black Man, White Women
I recently read a blog on about why black men like white women. Here is my response to the whole thing. Feel Free to comment.
Well let me start off by saying that I LOVE my sisters, I am married to one, and prefer to stick it out with my sisters. Now I think that it is a couple of reasons why Black men choose to go to the other side. The first one being that we are brainwashed. I mean, lets keep it real for a sec, The blonde headed, petite, big breasted white women is considered to be the poster girl of American beauty. Most Models are based on that look, thats the size that our country loves. Not the big booty, big thighs, big hipped girl that I adore and married. Another thing is that this country acts as if the white woman is so pure, sophisticated, and to be desired. We have not been brainwashed to just love the white women, but our culture respects white people more in general. When blacks get around white folks, watch how they act, or how they try to speak. We have that "oh there goes some white folks, so lets change the way we talk and act so they wont think that we are crazy" syndrome. Black men often go for white women because as the myth goes, white women are more submissive and make their men feel like men. I for one have not met many submissive sista's in my life, the only one I dated, is the one that I married. Before I got married, I kept dating the sister with an attitude that was mad at men. I don't blame this on the sistas, I blame this on the black men who have had a hand in stressin out our sistas.
Another reason that black men like white women is because it is something that we are not suppose to have. It's like telling a child that they can't have anymore candy, well the white girl is that candy. For so long black men could'nt even look at a white women, or the white man would fuck him up for it. Now its like a badge of honor. It's like dam, I just got away with doing something that I had no business doing. So back to why Rich Black Men Like White Women. Well, a Rich Black man is around a lot of Rich White Men with these so-called American beauty Queens (White Women). So guess who Leroy is bringing to dinner! BECKY! P.S. What does a brotha do when Becky is about to drop to her knees with no complaints, When Tamika is cussing him out because something did not go her way. Just my thoughts.