
Monday, June 18, 2012

SCLC Official Says that Creflo Should Never Have Been Arrested | Black Blue Dog

SCLC Official Says that Creflo Should Never Have Been Arrested | Black Blue Dog: "June 18, 2012 | Filed under: News | Posted by: bowatkin

An official with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference says that police were wrong to arrest Pastor Creflo Dollar.  Pastor Dollar was arrested recently after being accused of attacking his 15-year old daughter.

“I think it’s been exaggerated because of who is it,” the Rev. Samuel Mosteller, president of the SCLC’s Georgia chapter, said during a press conference. “If it was a normal family I don’t think there would’ve been an arrest at all.”

Mosteller said that because of Creflo’s arrest, parents “may be hesitant to discipline the child and the child may be more likely to involve police.”"

Dollar’s daughter said that her father punched and choked her during an argument about a party.  His 19-year old daughter, Alexandria, corroborated her sister’s version of events, stating that her father, “put both hands around her sister’s neck and choked her for about five seconds.”
She then said that the pastor took his hands off his daughter’s neck, grabbed her shoulders and slapped her in the face.
Pastor Dollar denied the allegations, stating that “I should have never been arrested.”
The congregation showed strong approval of the pastor, leaning on his credibility as their spiritual leader.
“I wasn’t there,” he said. “I can’t talk about her credibility without some of the facts.”

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