
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

BLACK L.I.F.E. (Black Life Is for Everybody)

Slavery, Hate, Crime, Hardship, Unemployment, A.I.D.s, High Blood Pressure, Cancer, Self Destruction, and many other things come to my mind when I think about Black Life. We had it hard when they brought us over here, we have it hard now, but must our situation stay that way? You see, I am a person that dreams big, and expect plenty out of life. I sit back an analyze things that most people won't, and often times I am saddened by my findings. Sometimes I find myself complaining about jobs, business ventures, money, and other things. It seems like the things that I want will never be reached.
As I conversate with family and friends, I find that they have experienced this thing, this thing that seems as if it never will get off of our backs. It's like life is a circle, and you are in the middle, but you can't find a way to keep going straight without running back into the same old things. Sometimes it feels as if you have been cursed. As I look around at most of my brothers and sisters, I can see it the most, although I'm sure it happens to everybody. I use to always look at White folks and say, they got it good. Look at their houses, the boats in the back yard, the vacations that they take, the picket fence and the dog. I use to measure the good life by money, and although money makes a difference, it can't be what brings true happiness. You look at us blacks and say, my GOD why do we have it so bad, why can't more of us get the good jobs, why can't we make the millions, why are we so unhealthy, blah blah blah. 
Then one day it seemed to all come to me, We, Us Blacks, Negros, Niggers, African Americans, Coloreds, or whatever they call us might have had a bad start, but it does not have to be a bad finish. Well first of all, when anybody in the world compares themselves to white folk, it will not be an equal fight. I won't go into that right now, that's another story for another day. I don't want to compare myself to people who will do anything to anybody for a dime, that's not success, so I will leave that alone. Now, When I look at who we are as a people, and how we overcome adversity, especially the things that we have and are going through, we got it going on and don't know it. Yeah, we are doing good considering the things that our race has been through. We can do better, we need work, but who does not.
I mean look at us, our ancestors were raped, beaten, separated, degraded, hung, burned, had no rights, decapitated, abused, spit on, and GOD only knows what else, but we are still here going strong. No matter what they throw at us, we still survive. So instead of me complaining about what is so hard for us, I have started to look at what and where we have come from, and what we can do to make it even better. Not to long ago we had no rights, now we have a Black President. We dominate every sport that we choose to play. We got Black Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, and other professionals. We are graduating from college way more than we used to. When it comes to music, well we don't even have to talk about who can really sang, not sing. I think that the whole world knows about that. It use to be a time when the American Look was the skinny blue eyed white girl, but every time you look up, some white lady is in the tanning bed, getting her lips, butt, thighs, and everything else shot up. They copy our style, our slang, our fads, and our talk. Now if we can only keep our black men out of jail, and at home with their family's, we would be a real force. One of the reasons that they are even in there is because they are targeted, not because they commit more crimes.
We are not the animals that they tell us we are! We love our kids like everybody else, we go to school, we are strong people, and we do not hate other races just because they look different. We don't commit crimes no more than the superior figure. We are more talented than any other race you will come in contact with, and we love GOD. Any bad habits that we do have, let's just say that we learned them from the best in the biz. As blacks, we are doing what any other race would have been doing with what has been thrown at us, only difference is, we have bounced back better than anyone else would have. I know we can do better, but considering what we have been through, and what is being thrown at us now, this Black Life that we live is what anybody in these circumstances would have been living, we just make it look good. We will be even better when we start learning to stick together. You see brothers and sisters this Black LIFE IS FOR EVERYBODY. 
P.S. GET YOU ONE OF THESE SHIRTS! http://www.cafepress.com/blacklife1
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