
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

#RantnRave: Why are Child Molester's set Free?

One thing that I cannot stand is a person that will do gruesome things to kids. A child molester is one type of person that I do not care to be in the same room with. While I know that we should not judge, and that GOD can forgive anything, I would prefer to stand next to a serial killer before some sicko that likes kids in a sexual way and will act on it. I have realized that we have a lot of child molesters in our community, and Its shocking to me because I always thought that it was a "them thing",  and not us black folks. Watching shows like Dr. Phil and Oprah, as well as hearing people in my own family talk about it taught me that this goes on a little bit to much. The sad part about is that some of these buffoons still walk freely because someone did not tell on them, believe the person that told, or has been set free. What about these moms bringing any old beast in the house with there kids? Some will believe the man over the child, and if they believe the man, at least make him leave for the sake of your child, and you can slip and see him all you want.

Now when these nasty beasts are set free from prison, they are not suppose to go within so many feet of kids. Now here is the question, How do we make sure of this? Its dam near impossible to make sure that they don't. How in the hell do you set someone free and have to watch them the rest of their natural born lives? Every other convict that is set free can go on freely because they have done their time, but you have to watch sex offenders. They are said to have a disease, so as long as they have this disease, they could strike again! Well I do not want to have to worry about whether are not one of these fools want to take advantage of one of my kids, or somebody else's. I do not think that they should be able to walk the streets again because there is to much at stake. I have seen drug dealers get more time than a child molester and it makes no sense to me. What do you guys think about this subject?

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