
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Black Folks and Clubbin: WHEN DOES IT GET OLD?

It was the summer of 1998, the summer that I turned 18 years old. I was done with high school, had a full time job, and you could not tell me nothing. I was a shy guy, was pretty good with the girls, but just quiet. My best boy "Kool-Aid" had talked me into going to this club a few miles away from my town of Macon, Ga, called Suger Hill. I was a bit of a square, I never did the party thing in high school, so I did not know what to expect. Boi Boi Boi, when I walked in, my life changed forever! I had never seen so many women shaking their butts, wiggling, jiggling, bouncing, dropping it like it was hot, shaking, stripping, dipping, twerking and jerking. This girl pulled me on the dance floor and I couldn't dance for shiznit, but I gave it my best shot. That girl turned her back to me and gave me the best cheap thrill of my life at the time!

I thought to myself, "I am Home". I am ashamed to say this people, but I am going to do it anyway. I partied every single weekend after that night that I could. Me and my boi would get off from work and head str8 to the club no matter how late we got off. We were club addicts, and proud of it. I use to get paid every two weeks and I would spend most of my checks on clothes and going to the club in one weekend. I did this bullshiznit from 18 to 20. The only reason I stopped at 20 is because I found me a little chick to settle down with. Now after that was over, I headed right back to the club and started all over again. I basically lived for the weekend until I was like 24. Now I cannot, and will not dog anybody for partying because GOD knows I did my share. I know why people go, especially us men, so I cannot be to judgmental. After working hard and going to the club blowing my money, and also meeting women that I gave the majority of my time to, it started to get very old, very fast.

I started to see the same people at every club I went to, and after dodging bullets and fights I decided to throw in the towel. When I met my wife in 06, it was really over with. I think that it is natural to transition from partying all the time, to becoming more settled. Fast Forward to 2013, I am 32 years old, married with kids, and more mature. I like to travel, spend time with family, and would not mind taking my wife to a smooth jazz club where things are not as crazy. Some of the same people that I partied with can be found at the same places that we partied at, the clubs just have different names now. Some of them have a football team worth of kids, and they are still partying their asses off. I get on facebook, and they are throwing parties all over Macon, or having something at the strip club. I turn on the radio, and the singers that I grew up listening to are still talking about the club, and these folks are older than me. Now, I know why the youngsta's are going, and its a good experience for them, but why are us full grown folks still stuck in the clubs every weekend?

We are living in a world where people are taking pictures of you and posting them on facebook and twitter. You have kids that are on these social networks, and this is what they are seeing. Look Below!


What I am trying to say is, when do we get rid of the young mentality? I am not an old man, but I do not want to be doing some of the things that my kids are about to experiment with. I do not want run into my kids at the club "getting turnt up" whatever the hell that means. I do not have swag, nor do I want it, whatever the hell that means. I use to let my pants sag a little, but at 32 going on 33, helllllll haaaaaw. I still love hip hop, I grew up on it, and I produce hip hop music, but you will not catch me riding around in my car blasting 2 Chaiiiiins, sorry Mr. Chains, my kids love ya, but me not so much. Long story short guys, I want to have a good time, the club is cool sometimes, but that stuff gets old just like we do. So to my people over 30, whats the fascination with the club?

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