
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Eighth Grader Blinded by Bullies.

Kardin Ulysse was attacked on June 5th by a group of bullies at Bergen Beach School. As a result he was blinded in one eye. After two surgeries, doctors said that they were unable to fix his eye, and that Kardin will need a transplant. His parents plan on suing the city for a whopping 16 million bucks. According to Blacklikemoi.com " Kardin was attacked while in the cafeteria of his school by a pair of seventh-graders.  One pinned him down while yelling anti-gay slurs and the other continuously punched him in the face.  Ulysee had been wearing his glasses at the time and they were shattered during the attack." 

This type of stuff really upsets me. Can't stand a bully, and I hope they are being punished severely. 

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