
Thursday, June 14, 2012

R Kelly Owes almost 5 million in back Taxes!

It's Kels! This dude can seem to stay out of trouble. The Feds are saying that Mr In the closet owns almost 5 million in back taxes. He hasn't paid taxes in the last 7 years. Now I got one question, why don't our people pay their taxes? They make all of this money, and they brag about spending on this and that, but they all end up in the same state, BROKE! It makes no since to not pay your taxes, when you know its gonna come back and blow up in your face. Black people, YOU GOT TO PAY THESE WHITE FOLKS THEIR MONEY! Here is the break down of what he owes.

 2005 - $1,472,366.77
2006 - $710,520.51
2007 - $376,180.11
2008 - $1,122,694.90
2009 - $173,815.18
2010 - $992,495.24
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