
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Man Kills little boy because he thought he was Gay!

A man in North Carolina has pleaded guilty to killing a 28 year old woman and 4 year old boy that he assumed was gay. Peter Lucas has been arrested for the murders of Jadon Higganbothan, and Antoinetta Yvonne Mckoy. He was a leader of a cult type of group that consisted of women who referred to him as Lord.
He lived with three women and called him his wives. He had nine children that lived in a one bedroom home in North Carolina. All of the kids was his except the one that he killed. WOW, that's hard to believe right!

He referred to his group as the Black Hebrews. It was said that he was preparing for a race war that would allow black people to claim the title of the supreme beings. Homosexuality was highly against his religious practices. Now I am not a supporter of the homo lifestyle, but killing someone over it, especially a child is going way to far.
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