
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Black Women: LET YOUR MAN BE THE MAN (at all times).

I was watching Real House Wives of ATL, you know the episode where Porsha said that she was Glad her husband LET her go on the trip, and the women in the limo was acting like she said something crazy. I actually gained a new respect for that woman. I think that the ladies where trying to go to a strip club. She actually realized that she has a husband that she needs to listen to and consult with. See there are plenty of Black women with the "I go where I want to go, and do what I want to do attitude". When you get married, the IIIII's are gone for good, thats over with. You just can't pack up with the girls talking about going to the strip club, and this goes both ways. When you get married, you can't go around collecting phone numbers of the opposite sex, how do you explain going out and letting someone put their body parts in your face.

 Now I wrote a post a while back on thesinglesexymommy.com about submitting, and for this one I will not use this word, I will use the terms Leader and Head. The post gained a number of responses from women, and lets just say that there were some very strong opinions voiced. Now me, I totally believe that the man should have the final say so, just as GOD says that we have to come to him first, he has left us with instructions on how everything in life should be set. I don't go around quoting scriptures, but I believe in the beginning of that good book GOD allowed man to name woman, and gave him control over everything. Enough of that, these are just my thoughts and beliefs.

Now, in this post I will leave out GOD because there will be some people that say that everyone does not believe in GOD, or the same GOD. So for sake of that argument, let's leave my Father out of this. Now, my experience with black women in my 32 years of life leads me to believe that they do not know what the hell they want. Not all of you sista's, but some of you, and I will add the mast majority that I know. Most women say that they want a strong man, not a weak little crying wimp. Now when I see a strong man exercise his manhood, sooner or later he is going to be called controlling, or "not my daddy", or you don't tell me what to do. If he bows down to his woman, then he will be called a bitch of a man, or to soft. If he try's to fall somewhere in between, he's not enough of this or enough of that. So guess what happens, the woman, yes the woman that cant get along with other women. The woman that will cry as soon as her emotions get's out of hand. The woman that needs a man to open that jar thats to tight, change the tire, and take out the trash wants to take over everything.

I can almost guarantee that if a man is living in the house, and he is not allowed to take charge or keeps getting knocked out of position, the house is in total chaos. Ladies I'm not talking about a dog, Im talking about if a good man is in the house. It seems to me that Black Women only wants a man to take charge when it's convenient for them. If taking charge means denying them from what they want, you better count your losses buddy. If your man is a Real Man, and you are treating him as such, there is not to much that you will go lacking for. A woman that has a real man, and treats him like one will not have a problem getting her way or treated how she should. You know why men are so controlling and want to be the Head, because it's how we were created. Most women I know want to be spoiled and want attention, its because that's the way they were made. I do not go against human nature, I flow with it. So with that being said, Why n d hell is it so hard to just let ya man Take Charge, have control, and/or the final say so? Come on with those comments!

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