
Friday, July 13, 2012

Kobe says that His Olympic Team could Beat the Dream Team, Jordan Laughed

Michael Jordan said that there's no way the current USA Olympic basketball team could have beaten his 1992 Dream Team. Jordan tole the Associated press Thursday that "I absolutely laughed" when hearing Kobe's comments. Jordan said that there is no comparison which team is better. "For him to compare those two teams is not one of the smarter things he ever could have done. Jordan said that their team included 11 future Hall of Famers and won its six Olympic games by an average of more 43 points on the road to winning the gold medal. He said that their overall team was better because of the experience it put on the floor.  "I heard Kobe say we were not athletic" said a smiling Jordan as he sat in a golf cart puffing on his cigar while waiting his turn to tee off, "But we were smart". Kobe also said that they were too old, but most were in the prime of their career's.  Jordan stated that "Id like to think that we had 11 Hall of Famers on that team, and whenever they get 11 of Famers, you call and ask me who had the better Dream Team. Remember now, they learned from us, we didn't learn from them."

I have never been a Jordan Fan, but I would have to roll with him on this one. The Dream Team was way smarter than these guys, Sorry Kobe!
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